Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fireworks, Flame-grills, and Fantastic Fabrications

July, here again, hot and heavy. Tomorrow will bring fireworks and smoking grills, and my least-favorite question to be asked, “What are you doing for your birthday?” That question never gets easier to answer.

I do have plans to get a fair amount of writing and revision done during this yucky month.
I want to reach the middle of LBW before the month is over, which may take some more outlining and thought. ST is almost through a 2nd draft -woo- and I'd like to do another run-through by month's end. LBH is in a beta-reading stage done by a friend so I just have to wait, and the most recent short requires a type-up with a quick pre-revision before actual revision. I should be able to get all my goals accomplished, provided I get up in the mornings like I'm supposed to and stop dragging my feet.

This will be a fairly busy month with the planning and arrangements my sister and I have to do for our vacation. July marks Otakon, an anime convention held every year at the Baltimore Convention Center. This will be my 3rd year attending.

It's amazing. For three days, the city of Baltimore fills with an army of tourists and colorful costumed characters united by a love of anime and Japanese culture (and video games, and comics). The costumes are a sight, many are handmade (sewing machine, fabric, and felt handmade) masterpieces that were crafted shortly after the previous years convention. My sisters are planning on dressing up (it'll be year two of cosplay for my younger sister) and are trying to get me into the act.
We'll see.
I'll likely post a few pictures when I return.

Any plans for this muggy month?

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